Bish Bosch — Blog — Blasted

Bish Bosch

Freitags #4

Freitags #4. Every Friday we post links to news, articles, media, events and other assorted sources of distraction that we've unearthed through the week. This week features the third Scottish Independent Music Fair, Kraftwerk, My Bloody Valentine, Last Shop Standing Jean-Luc Godard, Vic Godard and a preview of upcoming articles on the site.

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Scott Walker 'Bish Bosch' Trailer

This is the trailer for the great Scott Walker’s new album Bish Bosch, out on 4AD on 3 December. We are VERY excited about this album, to say this least. Both an essay on the enduring appeal of the enigmatic Mr Engel and an in-depth review of Bish Bosch will be on the site soon.

Trailer for Bish Bosch, the forthcoming album from Scott Walker, released 4th December 2012.

Another tantalising taster:

a trailer for scott walker's new album Bish Bosch